
I-Air Receiver Tank

  • Ikhwalithi enhle nethangi lokwamukela umoya elisheshayo, amathangi okugcina umoya

    Ikhwalithi enhle nethangi lokwamukela umoya elisheshayo, amathangi okugcina umoya

    LTANK is a leading professional manufacturer of air receiver tanks in China, we can customize with different volumes and pressures. We can provide volume from 0.1M3 to 200M3 and up to 10Mpa high pressure . We have also carbon steel and stainless steel air tanks to meet different needs. Air receive tanks or air storage tanks are highly used for various industries like food, power, semiconductor, steel, and textile industries. Ifektri yethu ibambelela kumgomo "wekhwalithi kuqala" futhi izuze ukudunyiswa nokwethenjwa amakhasimende amaningi emakethe yamazwe ngamazwe. We have the qualified certificates of import and export, enterprise credit rating AAA, measuring guarantee, ISO9001、ISO14001 ISO4706, ISO22991, CE and other assurance certification. Currently, our air tanks are mainly exported to foreign countries, such as Middle East countries, Southeast Asia, Europe, Russia, and Africa, American countries.